Washingtion Institute of Dendrology Research

We are building a forestry pathology research corporation and we need help. We are applying for our 501(3c) classification. Where we need help is in signing up qualified persons to join our team on our board of directors. We need persons dedicated to our mission, and that is to find effective and safe methods to control or to eradicate the invasive tree diseases and the bugs causing their problems to our forest trees, shade trees, and our crop trees.

Our corporation's bylaws provide for reasonable wages to be paid to board members for services, plus expenses incured in performing the duties of board members. Payments will be made following state and federal guidelines.

To provide the proper facilities in which to do our research, we plan to build, The Washington Institute of Dendrology Research Center, in the State of Washington. To read about our corporation visit our website.

Contact information email; desk@sedelmeierinstituteofdendrologyresearch.org
Phone: 206.858.3735, if we are out, please leave a message.