The Washingtion Institute of Dendrology Research Membership Application

We need the help and support of timberland owners, tree farmers, christmas tree growers, nursery personel, fruit and nut orchard owners, arborists, tree lovers, and any other persons who are committed to saving forest trees, shade trees, and fruit and nut trees through diligent research and hard work.
There are plenty of invasive and established tree diseases and insects that need to be dealt with.
We need your help. We will find a position for you, and a job for you to do.

New   Members   Membership   Form

The Washingtion Institute of Dendrology Research needs your support to finance critical tree pathology and entromology research to understand, help to control, eliminate and in some cases, to eradicate tree diseases and invasive insects from our forest trees, our shade trees, and from our fruit and nut trees.

Yes, I would like to support the important work of the Washingtion Institute of Dendrology Research by becoming a Member in the category checked below:

Student $10
Individual $40
Family $60
Corporation $500
Member's Title: Mr. Mrs. Ms.
Member's Name:   #
Address:   #
City:   #
State:   #
Zip:   #
Contact Phone:
Email:   #


NOTE: Required information is identified with an   #

To make a copy of just the New Members Membership Form part of this page, Click Here .

Support Forest Pathology & Entromology Research!

Persons interested in joining our group, send us an email with the required data, and pay with PayPal,
Or print the membership form, fill in the membership data, and make a check or money order payable to Forest Pathology Research Fund and mail the membership form and check or money order to:

PayPal Paybox

Persons interested in joining our group, but have a few questions, please send an email, or call.

  • Phone: 206.858.3735,
    If we are out, please leave a message.